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First Seventh-day Adventist
Church of Montclair


Prayer Meeting

Do you desire to enter the presence of our God?
Do you desire to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit?
Well, wait no longer!! You are invited to join us for Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 7:30pm where we anticipate God's blessings throught fervent prayer and Bible Study!! Don't miss out!!!
  • Upper Room Prayer for the Sick (Women's Ministries): There will be prayer for the sick every 2nd Sabbath in the balcony, immediately following the Divine Service. All are welcome to join us. Please place names in the wall prayer box.
  • Prayer Box for the Sick (Women's Ministries): Prayer box is located in the foyer of the front entrance of the church. Fill out the card with name(s) and need(s) so that our prayers are specific. Also, give address and age if you wnat those sick to receive a gift of encouragment. We believe our prayers are empowered by our "acts of caring love".
Prayer Warrior Alert!
If you wish to add your prayer and testimonies to that of others, you may wish to call one of the folowling prayer lines:
Prayer LinePhone# / pinDay(s)TimeNotes
Children's(218) 844-8230 pin# 166932Monday9:00pm To get added to the email list or to put in a prayer request-email Sis. Tenisha at taz69fm@yahoo.com.
Women's(218) 844-8230 pin# 166932Thursday9:00pm All women are invited to come together for prayer and guidance in marriage, motherhood, and in being a virtous woman.
Men's(641) 715-3840 pin# 595667Tuesday9:00pm For men to pray and testify about real situations facing adult men.
Youth(712) 775-7100 pin# 413908Tuesday9:00pm This is a line for youth to pray and proclaim the goodness of God.